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written by Rene K. Mueller, Copyright (c) 2007, last updated Sat, October 6, 2007
- vertices/connectors: 19
- 6 x 4-way
- 6 x 5-way
- 7 x 6-way
Triangulated Bow Dome 45°/0°/6 Construction Map |
- edges/struts & bending angles (αstrut):
- A x 6: 0.44785 (12.94°)
- B x 6: 0.54722 (15.88°)
- C x 12: 0.56087 (16.29°)
- D x 12: 0.66128 (19.31°)
- E x 6: 0.83504 (24.68°)
- F x 6: 1.00000 (30.00°)
- total 48 struts (6 kinds)1)
- strut variance 123.3%
- faces: 30 (3-sided)
- A-B-B x 6 (48.32°, 65.84°, 65.84°)
- A-C-C x 6 (47.07°, 66.47°, 66.47°)
- C-C-E x 6 (41.90°, 41.90°, 96.20°)
- D-D-E x 6 (50.85°, 50.85°, 78.30°)
- D-D-F x 6 (40.88°, 40.88°, 98.24°)
- 5 kinds of faces2)
- diameter: 2.000, radius: 1.000
- height: 1.000 or 50.00% of diameter
1) strut lengths sorted by 1/10'000th or +/-0.00005 exact
2) clock wise (cw) and counter clock wise (ccw) orientation neglected
- vertices/connectors: 29
- 9 x 4-way
- 4 x 5-way
- 16 x 6-way
Triangulated Bow Dome 45°/0°/8 Construction Map |
- edges/struts & bending angles (αstrut):
- A x 4: 0.37211 (10.72°)
- B x 4: 0.41871 (12.08°)
- C x 16: 0.44394 (12.82°)
- D x 4: 0.47413 (13.71°)
- E x 8: 0.50447 (14.61°)
- F x 8: 0.51760 (15.00°)
- G x 16: 0.51882 (15.04°)
- H x 8: 0.69145 (20.23°)
- I x 8: 0.76537 (22.50°)
- total 76 struts (9 kinds)1)
- strut variance 105.7%
- faces: 48 (3-sided)
- A-E-F x 8 (42.67°, 66.78°, 70.54°)
- B-B-D x 4 (55.52°, 55.52°, 68.97°)
- C-C-E x 8 (55.37°, 55.37°, 69.26°)
- C-C-H x 8 (38.84°, 38.84°, 102.32°)
- D-F-F x 4 (54.51°, 62.74°, 62.74°)
- G-G-H x 8 (48.21°, 48.21°, 83.59°)
- G-G-I x 8 (42.47°, 42.47°, 95.07°)
- 7 kinds of faces2)
- diameter: 2.000, radius: 1.000
- height: 1.000 or 50.00% of diameter
1) strut lengths sorted by 1/10'000th or +/-0.00005 exact
2) clock wise (cw) and counter clock wise (ccw) orientation neglected
- vertices/connectors: 46
- 10 x 4-way
- 6 x 5-way
- 30 x 6-way
Triangulated Bow Dome 45°/0°/10 Construction Map |
- edges/struts & bending angles (αstrut):
- A x 5: 0.30900 (8.89°)
- B x 5: 0.31381 (9.03°)
- C x 10: 0.33084 (9.52°)
- D x 5: 0.33921 (9.76°)
- E x 20: 0.34292 (9.87°)
- F x 20: 0.36948 (10.65°)
- G x 10: 0.38738 (11.17°)
- H x 20: 0.42655 (12.31°)
- I x 10: 0.47601 (13.77°)
- J x 10: 0.57893 (16.83°)
- K x 10: 0.61803 (18.00°)
- total 125 struts (11 kinds)1)
- strut variance 100.0%
- faces: 80 (3-sided)
- A-C-G x 10 (50.21°, 55.35°, 74.44°)
- B-D-D x 5 (55.10°, 62.45°, 62.45°)
- B-G-G x 5 (47.78°, 66.11°, 66.11°)
- C-E-E x 10 (57.68°, 61.16°, 61.16°)
- E-E-I x 10 (46.05°, 46.05°, 87.91°)
- F-F-I x 10 (49.90°, 49.90°, 80.20°)
- F-F-J x 10 (38.43°, 38.43°, 103.14°)
- H-H-J x 10 (47.26°, 47.26°, 85.48°)
- H-H-K x 10 (43.57°, 43.57°, 92.85°)
- 9 kinds of faces2)
- diameter: 2.000, radius: 1.000
- height: 1.000 or 50.00% of diameter
1) strut lengths sorted by 1/10'000th or +/-0.00005 exact
2) clock wise (cw) and counter clock wise (ccw) orientation neglected
- vertices/connectors: 61
- 12 x 4-way
- 12 x 5-way
- 31 x 6-way
- 6 x 7-way
Triangulated Bow Dome 45°/0°/12 Construction Map |
- edges/struts & bending angles (αstrut):
- A x 6: 0.22141 (6.36°)
- B x 6: 0.24278 (6.97°)
- C x 6: 0.28516 (8.20°)
- D x 24: 0.29408 (8.46°)
- E x 12: 0.30985 (8.91°)
- F x 24: 0.31748 (9.13°)
- G x 12: 0.34119 (9.82°)
- H x 24: 0.36205 (10.43°)
- I x 12: 0.37154 (10.71°)
- J x 12: 0.43225 (12.48°)
- K x 6: 0.44785 (12.94°)
- L x 12: 0.49455 (14.32°)
- M x 12: 0.51764 (15.00°)
- total 168 struts (13 kinds)1)
- strut variance 133.8%
- faces: 108 (3-sided)
- A-C-C x 6 (45.68°, 67.16°, 67.16°)
- A-E-E x 6 (41.86°, 69.07°, 69.07°)
- B-G-I x 12 (39.55°, 63.48°, 76.97°)
- D-D-G x 12 (54.54°, 54.54°, 70.91°)
- D-D-J x 12 (42.70°, 42.70°, 94.61°)
- E-E-K x 6 (43.73°, 43.73°, 92.55°)
- F-F-J x 12 (47.09°, 47.09°, 85.81°)
- F-F-L x 12 (38.85°, 38.85°, 102.29°)
- H-H-L x 12 (46.92°, 46.92°, 86.16°)
- H-H-M x 12 (44.36°, 44.36°, 91.27°)
- I-I-K x 6 (52.93°, 52.93°, 74.15°)
- 11 kinds of faces2)
- diameter: 2.000, radius: 1.000
- height: 1.000 or 50.00% of diameter
1) strut lengths sorted by 1/10'000th or +/-0.00005 exact
2) clock wise (cw) and counter clock wise (ccw) orientation neglected
- vertices/connectors: 109
- 17 x 4-way
- 8 x 5-way
- 80 x 6-way
- 4 x 7-way
Triangulated Bow Dome 45°/0°/16 Construction Map |
- edges/struts & bending angles (αstrut):
- A x 8: 0.19207 (5.51°)
- B x 16: 0.19621 (5.63°)
- C x 4: 0.20325 (5.83°)
- D x 32: 0.21249 (6.10°)
- E x 4: 0.21633 (6.21°)
- F x 32: 0.21974 (6.31°)
- G x 32: 0.23090 (6.63°)
- H x 4: 0.23306 (6.69°)
- I x 32: 0.24888 (7.15°)
- J x 16: 0.25012 (7.18°)
- K x 8: 0.25660 (7.37°)
- L x 16: 0.25718 (7.39°)
- M x 8: 0.27143 (7.80°)
- N x 32: 0.27792 (7.99°)
- O x 16: 0.31038 (8.93°)
- P x 16: 0.35250 (10.15°)
- Q x 16: 0.38021 (10.96°)
- R x 16: 0.39018 (11.25°)
- total 308 struts (18 kinds)1)
- strut variance 103.1%
- faces: 200 (3-sided)
- A-B-J x 16 (49.19°, 50.62°, 80.19°)
- B-D-D x 16 (54.99°, 62.51°, 62.51°)
- C-K-M x 8 (45.16°, 63.56°, 71.28°)
- D-D-L x 16 (52.76°, 52.76°, 74.48°)
- E-E-H x 4 (57.40°, 57.40°, 65.21°)
- F-F-L x 16 (54.17°, 54.17°, 71.65°)
- F-F-O x 16 (45.06°, 45.06°, 89.89°)
- G-G-O x 16 (47.77°, 47.77°, 84.47°)
- G-G-P x 16 (40.24°, 40.24°, 99.52°)
- H-M-M x 4 (50.86°, 64.57°, 64.57°)
- I-I-P x 16 (44.92°, 44.92°, 90.16°)
- I-I-Q x 16 (40.20°, 40.20°, 99.59°)
- J-J-K x 8 (59.14°, 59.14°, 61.73°)
- N-N-Q x 16 (46.84°, 46.84°, 86.32°)
- N-N-R x 16 (45.41°, 45.41°, 89.18°)
- 15 kinds of faces2)
- diameter: 2.000, radius: 1.000
- height: 1.000 or 50.00% of diameter
1) strut lengths sorted by 1/10'000th or +/-0.00005 exact
2) clock wise (cw) and counter clock wise (ccw) orientation neglected
- vertices/connectors: 166
- 20 x 4-way
- 16 x 5-way
- 120 x 6-way
- 10 x 7-way
Triangulated Bow Dome 45°/0°/20 Construction Map |
- edges/struts & bending angles (αstrut):
- A x 10: 0.15089 (4.33°)
- B x 5: 0.15413 (4.42°)
- C x 10: 0.16498 (4.73°)
- D x 5: 0.16542 (4.74°)
- E x 20: 0.16748 (4.80°)
- F x 40: 0.17073 (4.90°)
- G x 5: 0.17432 (5.00°)
- H x 40: 0.17536 (5.03°)
- I x 40: 0.18186 (5.22°)
- J x 20: 0.18852 (5.41°)
- K x 40: 0.19129 (5.49°)
- L x 10: 0.20182 (5.79°)
- M x 40: 0.20522 (5.89°)
- N x 20: 0.20622 (5.92°)
- O x 20: 0.20951 (6.01°)
- P x 40: 0.22549 (6.47°)
- Q x 20: 0.24097 (6.92°)
- R x 10: 0.24915 (7.16°)
- S x 20: 0.27038 (7.77°)
- T x 20: 0.29308 (8.43°)
- U x 20: 0.30769 (8.85°)
- V x 20: 0.31287 (9.00°)
- total 475 struts (22 kinds)1)
- strut variance 107.4%
- faces: 310 (3-sided)
- A-E-O x 20 (45.52°, 52.37°, 82.11°)
- B-G-G x 5 (52.47°, 63.77°, 63.77°)
- B-L-L x 5 (44.89°, 67.55°, 67.55°)
- C-D-L x 10 (52.26°, 52.44°, 75.29°)
- C-J-J x 10 (51.91°, 64.05°, 64.05°)
- E-F-F x 20 (58.76°, 60.62°, 60.62°)
- F-F-N x 20 (52.84°, 52.84°, 74.31°)
- H-H-N x 20 (54.00°, 54.00°, 72.00°)
- H-H-Q x 20 (46.61°, 46.61°, 86.79°)
- I-I-Q x 20 (48.51°, 48.51°, 82.97°)
- I-I-S x 20 (41.99°, 41.99°, 96.02°)
- J-J-R x 10 (48.62°, 48.62°, 82.75°)
- K-K-S x 20 (45.03°, 45.03°, 89.94°)
- K-K-T x 20 (40.00°, 40.00°, 100.01°)
- M-M-T x 20 (44.42°, 44.42°, 91.15°)
- M-M-U x 20 (41.43°, 41.43°, 97.14°)
- O-O-R x 10 (53.51°, 53.51°, 72.99°)
- P-P-U x 20 (46.98°, 46.98°, 86.04°)
- P-P-V x 20 (46.07°, 46.07°, 87.86°)
- 19 kinds of faces2)
- diameter: 2.000, radius: 1.000
- height: 1.000 or 50.00% of diameter
1) strut lengths sorted by 1/10'000th or +/-0.00005 exact
2) clock wise (cw) and counter clock wise (ccw) orientation neglected
For truly bow based approach, without triangulation, see Bow Dome which also includes canvas calculator which could be used to cover the triangulated approach.
(End of Article)Content: - Page 1: Introduction, Regular Dome, Steep Roof Dome, Dent Roof Dome, Stripe Triangulation, Methods of Stripe Triangulation ...
- Page 2: T. Bow Dome 0/0/6, T. Bow Dome 0/0/8, T. Bow Dome 0/0/10, T. Bow Dome 0/0/12, T. Bow Dome 0/0/16 ...
- Page 3: T. Bow Dome 25/0/6, T. Bow Dome 25/0/8, T. Bow Dome 25/0/10, T. Bow Dome 25/0/12, T. Bow Dome 25/0/16 ...
- Page 4: T. Bow Dome 45/0/6, T. Bow Dome 45/0/8, T. Bow Dome 45/0/10, T. Bow Dome 45/0/12, T. Bow Dome 45/0/16 ...