UpdatesSat, May 6, 2006: Included the crownless bow dome model, and renamed it from Misc to Misc Domes
Fri, May 5, 2006: Included various dome models works - and separated Material Notes from it
Wed, April 12, 2006: First version, linked Material Notes, and added links to Monolithic Domes, and Solid Yurts
Here some
bow dome models I did which I like to explore at a later time in more details (e.g. creating full sized versions) and dedicate separate pages for them.
I gave each model a quick rating for
- Aesthetic: my personal impression how beautiful the form is,
- Static: how stable the construction is for a real shelter, and
- Door: whether a door or entry can be made easily
The notion base-points x bows gives a brief impression of the geometry, e.g. 8 x 4 means the bow dome has 8 base points, and at each base point 4 bows are connected.
Since the star dome-model (10x3 bow dome) worked out so well using bent bamboo sticks, and began to try other alike forms. In this case a 4x4 bow dome.

2006/05/01 14:16

2006/05/01 14:16

2006/05/01 14:16

2006/05/01 14:16
It's clear the structure is not suitable without skylight, as the canvas would make a dent at the top square where water would collect. It likely isn't stable enough, but for a simple canvas tent sufficient.
  8-based Bow Dome (8x(4+2)) |
I thought also about doing an 8 bow-based dome, 8 points at the base, where 4 bows reach out (8x4); for now I ended up as 8x(4+2) altered.
I'm still in development of it, as they are many ways to do a 8x4 or 8x(4+2). I made 8 sided polygon on the top for a skylight, and I have chosen only two bows junctions, this to have junctions remain max twice the diameter of the bow, but to have more bows cross at a point may reduce the amount the junctions.

8x(4+2) Bow Dome, top view
2006/05/10 10:07

8x(4+2) Bow Dome
2006/05/10 10:07

8x(4+2) Bow Dome
2006/05/10 10:07

8x(4+2) Bow Dome (1)
2006/05/10 10:07

8x(4+2) Bow Dome (2)
2006/05/10 10:08

8x(4+2) Bow Dome, Closeup (1)
2006/05/10 10:08

8x(4+2) Bow Dome, Closeup (2)
2006/05/10 10:08

8x(4+2) Bow Dome, Closeup (3)
2006/05/10 10:08

8x(4+2) Bow Dome, Closeup (4)
2006/05/10 10:08

8x(4+2) Bow Dome, Closeup (5)
2006/05/10 10:08

8x(4+2) Bow Dome, Closeup (6)
2006/05/10 10:08

8x(4+2) Bow Dome, Closeup (7)
2006/05/10 10:09
Expect more update on this form - since I'm still in development of it as said, so the rating is very preliminary. Especially I like to find a better way to have a door for it.
While doing bow domes I thought doing a simplified dome, where the bows are tied with a cord, and are flexible to open and close that way, e.g. for a sun-shade.

2006/05/01 14:13

2006/05/01 14:13

2006/05/01 14:14

2006/05/01 14:14

2006/05/01 14:14
Now I just did the skeleton - of course it requires for a real sun shade also a canvas. The door actually is the full diameter. If I find some time I will calculate and sew the canvas for this model.
  Crownless Bow Dome |
I had the idea to make a crownless
yurt, laying the poles over each other in order to have no crown holding the roof poles but the roof poles providing to each other the static.
Here my first attempt, for now I did a bow dome this way, step by step:

Lining up the roof sticks/poles, laying poles over each other and tied
2006/05/06 16:26

Closeup of the laying over of the roof sticks/poles
2006/05/06 16:26

Closing the circle
2006/05/06 16:26

Closed the circle
2006/05/06 16:26

2006/05/06 16:27

Closeup (1)
2006/05/06 16:27

Closeup (2)
2006/05/06 16:27

Closeup (3)
2006/05/06 16:27

Connecting the base
2006/05/06 16:34

All sticks/poles connected
2006/05/06 16:50

Crownless Bow Dome (1)
2006/05/06 16:50

Crownless Bow Dome (2)
2006/05/06 16:50

Crownless Bow Dome (3)
2006/05/06 16:51

Crownless Bow Dome (4)
2006/05/06 16:52

Crownless Bow Dome (5)
2006/05/06 16:52

Crownless Bow Dome (6)
2006/05/06 16:52

Crownless Bow Dome (7)
2006/05/06 16:53

Crownless Bow Dome (8)
2006/05/06 16:53

Crownless Bow Dome (9)
2006/05/06 16:53
The roof poles bend nicely, not just vertically, but also horizontal like a whirl. I haven't tested the stability of this construction, I just noted that the tying of the roof poles at the top to each other is crucial not to move for a full sized bow dome, e.g. wax cord might be useable, or drill hole to pull the binding cord through it. Bamboo as roof poles in this case is not suitable, as much pressure on the outer surface of the pole occurs, where bamboo will simply splitter. I included this model also in the
bow dome page.
Would I use double length bow in this case, I would have a 12x2 bow dome, which I will try with another model, in that case the static would improve and also a good alignment for a triangular door.
  Eye-Like Bow Dome |
A variant I accidentally discovered while building the 4x4 Bow Dome, when two ends of the base broke, is the "Eye Bow Dome" (2x4+6x1), which I then rebuilt intentionally, two ends reaching at a narrow angle. I used a cord to limit the stretching of the longer side, another cord to keep the angles of the bows nicely even to each other.
The lower bows near the base determine the possible entry or door; once I consider this form more seriously I will work out the details for a entry or door (with frame).

Eye Bow Dome (1)
2006/05/08 10:00

Eye Bow Dome (2)
2006/05/08 10:01

Eye Bow Dome (3)
2006/05/08 10:01

Eye Bow Dome (4)
2006/05/08 10:01

Eye Bow Dome (5)
2006/05/08 10:02

Eye Bow Dome (6)
2006/05/08 10:02

Eye Bow Dome (7)
2006/05/08 10:02

Eye Bow Dome (8)
2006/05/08 10:02
I keep this variant in my collection of models despite that I'm currently more in favour of circular shelters.
That's it for now, as said, this page I likely will reorganize depending if some of the tests I did will be explored more indepth and detailed calculation required.