written by Rene K. Mueller, Copyright (c) 2007, last updated Mon, December 3, 2007
UpdatesTue, August 28, 2007: Included screenshots for summary and daily video blogs, expanded to 21 pages
Thu, August 23, 2007: Little writeup and links to all video clips (daily coverage and weekly summaries), plus 25 photos of building the houses.
The swiss TV station
project covered two families with kids living a month in a stone age like setup, and being documented by a camera man and his assistant recording the audio; from July 25 - August 20, 2007, with daily coverage with short reviews of what happened the day.
It was fairly successfull in regards of popularity, and given it wasn't made in the sensationalistic manner this is even more remarkable.
I met one participant, Jörg Mäder
, just a couple of weeks before the project started - so I got to know the project a bit closer, as I don't watch TV anymore (not even live streamed).

Neolithics of Pfyn |
- Ursula Bots (46)
- Berni Bots (45)
- Veronica Bots (18)
- Matteo Bots (8)
- Babette Mäder (44)
- Jörg Mäder (44)
- Flurina Mäder (12)
- Flavia Mäder (11)
- Martin Imhof (21)
- Christian Hinterberger (25)
The details how the buildings were made are illustrated by those photos I found:

House skeleton

House skeleton (closeup)

House skeleton

Sealing the wall

Finished walls

Finished house

Finished house

Straw setting

Straw setting

Straw setting

Reed roof

Web the wall

Finished roof

(courtesy Joël Traber, Pfyn)
Apprx. 10 ton of clay was moved on location for the ground and walls of the houses.
Some more pictures of building houses:
Noteable contribution building the houses came from Max Zurbuchen
(Prehistorian) and Andreas Bergamini
All summaries and daily features are 10-30 minutes long, and viewable by real video player
, all videos are commented in swiss-german:
Video Blog Week 1 (2007/08/27) 
(24 mins):
Making fire for the first time in the village, exploring the storage rooms, wheat field, various lifestock (pigs & goats), fresh water, enhancing the beds, first night approaching, cold first night, securing the storage room, milking the goats, first problems digesting the food.
Video Blog Week 2 (2007/08/03) 
(27 mins): Two man start their voyage, and struggle passing a river; meanwhile in the village the first attempt catching fish, an approved hunter provides a wild boar, preparing the boar (skinning) for a meal.
Video Blog Week 3 (2007/08/10) 
(25 mins): Voyage finally ends, found a salt source and going back - in the village extending a small access to the pond, more fishing attempts, breaking of pottery and making glue using birch skin, burning new pottery, draining the ground after days of rain.
Video Blog Week 4 (2007/08/17) 
(27 mins): The two men return to the village with the bag full of salt, preparing a pork for the big feast and preserving the meat (e.g. smoking, salting), family Maeder makes a two day excursion, reflection on what life means, different sense of time.
On the follow pages you find daily video blogs which were broadcast on SF1, part of the blog was live broadcast, like interviews.
Next Page >>
- Page 1: Building the Houses, Weekly & Daily Video Blog Summaries, Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4
- Page 2: 2007/07/25
- Page 3: 2007/07/26
- Page 4: 2007/07/27
- Page 5: 2007/07/30
- Page 6: 2007/07/31
- Page 7: 2007/08/01
- Page 8: 2007/08/02
- Page 9: 2007/08/03
- Page 10: 2007/08/06, References
- Page 11: 2007/08/07
- Page 12: 2007/08/08
- Page 13: 2007/08/09
- Page 14: 2007/08/10
- Page 15: 2007/08/13
- Page 16: 2007/08/14
- Page 17: 2007/08/15
- Page 18: 2007/08/16
- Page 19: 2007/08/17
- Page 20: 2007/08/20, 2007/08/21
- Page 21: 21st Century Tools, Review, Reflections, Experts, Links