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Claudius Kern

written by René K. Müller, last updated Fri, October 5, 2007

Claudius Kern lived from 2000 to fall 2006 in a self-built two-level yurt, and summer 2006 I was visiting him in Graz (Austria) and was able to document his yurt:

Here first the front view, with both levels:

Claudius' yurt: two levels
2006/09/03 11:38
2006/09/03 11:38
2006/09/03 11:38
2006/09/03 11:39
2006/09/03 11:39
2006/09/03 11:28
Lower entry
2006/09/03 11:27

The upper level, the yurt part, entering from the slope:

Upper level, the real yurt part
2006/09/03 11:34
2006/09/03 11:34
2006/09/03 11:34
Greywater barrel
2006/09/03 11:35
2006/09/03 11:35
2006/09/03 11:35
2006/09/03 11:35

Lower level with stove
2006/09/03 11:28
Claudius preparing the lunch
2006/09/03 11:28
Claudius' library of spiritual books
2006/09/03 11:29
2006/09/03 11:29
2006/09/03 11:29

The beautiful "real" yurt part of the building:

2006/09/03 11:30
2006/09/03 11:30
2006/09/03 11:30
2006/09/03 11:31
2006/09/03 11:31
2006/09/03 11:31
2006/09/03 11:32
2006/09/03 11:32
2006/09/03 11:32
2006/09/03 11:32


  • Jurten.Heim.at , his own personal web-site (a new web-site is in preparation)


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