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Johnny's Capsule


Wed, October 6, 2010: Webified the flyer of "How to build a Capsule" by Johnny at Auroville .

On my visit in Auroville (Tamil Nadu, South India) in late summer 2010 I met Johnny (John Allen) at the "Fertile" community. He developed what he calls a "Capsule" - a truncated tetrahedron.

The simplicity of Johnny's capsule is so convincing that his work has been adapted through entire Auroville.

Here his "How To Build A Capsule" flyer webified:

(Page 1)

How To Build A Capsule

The capsule is a design developed in Auroville as the simplest cyclone-proof one-man shelter to be built from local materials with village1) knowhow.

Since the geometry is crystalline tetra/octahedral all pieces are simple increments of a module (in this case 6m).

The appropriate materials in South India are casuarina poles, bamboo, coconut rope and palm thatch.

For further information, write: Johnny, Fertile, Auroville, South India, 605101

1) local tamilian roof building knowledge (Tamil Nadu, India)

(Page 2)

1 2 3

Erect 6m tripod on stone footings at 6m spacing Tie on 3m beams midway up the poles Tie in remainder of octahedron from 3m pieces and put stone supports
4 5 6

Tie in the main supports for the hexagonal floor Tie down floor beams at handspan spacing Tie split bamboo flooring to beams
7 8 9

Tie on lattice bamboo framing Attach woven coconut frond with bark stripes
(on top: woven half coconut frond)
Make & tie on framed flaps and ladder rungs

Original Flyer

2010/09/29 17:47
2010/09/29 13:43

Hint: to download high-resolution scan, click right mouse button and select "Save Target As".

Real Life Application

Johnny's Original Capsule, Sri Ma, Auroville
2010/09/19 07:40
Johnny's Original Capsule, Sri Ma, Auroville
2010/09/19 07:40
2010/09/19 07:37
2010/09/19 07:38
2010/09/19 07:38
2010/09/19 07:38
2010/09/19 07:38
2010/09/19 07:38
2010/09/19 07:38
2010/09/19 07:38
2010/09/19 07:38
2010/09/19 07:39
2010/09/19 07:39
2010/09/19 07:39
2010/09/19 07:39
2010/09/19 07:39
2010/09/19 07:39
2010/09/19 07:39

An original (unaltered) capsule I photographed at "Sri Ma", a small Auroville community 5km north of the main area at the coast.

More Works of Johnny

Currently (2010) Johnny works on a house toolkit to resolve some of the Auroville habitat shortage:

2010/09/12 06:06
2010/09/12 06:06
2010/09/12 06:06
2010/09/12 06:07
2010/09/12 06:07
2010/09/12 08:19
2010/09/12 08:20
2010/09/12 08:20
2010/09/12 08:20
2010/09/12 08:20
2010/09/12 08:21
2010/09/12 08:21
2010/09/12 08:21

A more full grown house he built 2009:

2010/08/09 10:18
2010/08/09 10:18
2010/08/09 10:19
2010/08/09 10:19
2010/08/09 10:21
2010/08/09 10:24



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