Tue, March 11, 2008: Cleaned up text and updated better photos illustrating how to erect a yurt, and added information about storm preparation.
Tue, February 19, 2008: Added a few thoughts on "crownless" yurt roof approach
Fri, December 8, 2006: Update on Standard vs Non-Standard Yurts (How to derive a standard), and various minor updates like on stove / pipe options.
Sun, November 5, 2006: Updated infos on thermal insulation with straw filled jute blankets.
Mon, October 30, 2006: More infos and calculator assistance for pieslice-wise roof canvas
Sun, October 22, 2006: Added more detailed information about "attached room" option and calculator
Wed, September 20, 2006: Added overview how to erect a yurt with photos
Sat, September 9, 2006: More details on options to bind the lattice wall / khana
Mon, August 21, 2006: More details on wall / khana section junction methods, even and odd amount of junctions/poles, half and full twin junctions.
Fri, July 7, 2006: More detailed instruction how to make a door based on vertical laths
Wed, April 26, 2006: Update on thermal insulation
Mon, February 13, 2006: Added more pictures of wall composition, and inserted a page break, now 5 pages totally.
Wed, January 11, 2006: Minor refinements and additions.
Wed, December 21, 2005: Added toono/wheel interactive sketch
Fri, November 25, 2005: Added photos of toono cover construction
Fri, November 11, 2005: Added more information on Insulation and Stove Pipe positioning with photos how I did it.
Sat, October 29, 2005: Floor calculator rearranged and floor rendering
Fri, October 28, 2005: Improved yurt rendering
Wed, October 5, 2005: More on floor building
Sun, October 2, 2005: Floor calculator, and more info on building the floor
Canvas calculation fixed
More details on toono cover using clear PVC
Thu, September 29, 2005: htot corrected (both javascript & draw)
Mon, September 26, 2005: Details on door construction (example)
Sun, September 25, 2005: Added more details on khana, especially the termination of the khana-section
Sat, September 24, 2005: Corrected n-polygon toono calculator for l0..2
More information on the khana and details on the door
Fri, September 23, 2005: Corrected npoles, now assume 6cm for top and bottom extra by default.
Sat, September 17, 2005: Added small toono n-segment calculator
Fri, September 16, 2005: Added more detailed wall canvas calculation (hint if multiple lanes are required)
Fri, September 2, 2005: Minor updates on roof canvas, added illustration
Thu, August 25, 2005: More details for roof lanes, wroofextra added to have spare roof canvas
Wed, August 17, 2005: Roof lanes calculation added (to patch one big canvas)
Mon, August 15, 2005: Toono (crown wheel) construction added, and αkhana flexible (usually 90 °).
Sat, August 13, 2005: more detailed illustrations, more description in results
Wed, August 10, 2005: nlaths corrected.
Mon, August 8, 2005: First public release, yurt interested people informed.