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Text Link

Simply Differently.org , temporary buildings (tipi, yurt and domes)

<a href="http://simplydifferently.org">Simply Differently.org</a> temporary buildings (tipi, yurt and domes)

Graphic Link

Simply Differently.org

<a href="http://simplydifferently.org"><img src="http://simplydifferently.org/Pics/footer.en.png" border=0 alt="Simply Differently.org"></a>


Last 12 months statistics

  • October 31, 2007 I deactivated "Housing, Dwellings & Shelters" (housing.byrene.com) and moved all content to SimplyDifferently.org and enabled automatic redirection
  • In June 2007 I also reduced all photos from 3.1MP to 0.78MP (1/4th of original resolution) to reduce disk usage and thereby also overall traffic
  • In June 2007 I moved the site to a new server, and thereby the statistic of June 2007 is incomplete.
  • In July 2006 the site was featured on a news site, and so far more users than usual.

Live Statistics

Right now are people from
  • United States (US): 512 (100.0%)

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