Ring Dome

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    Ring Dome

    written by Rene K. Mueller, Copyright (c) 1970, last updated Thu, May 17, 2007


    Thu, January 1, 1970: .

    The Ring Dome is a dome composed by evenly distanced rings connected with triangles.

    Given d as diameter, and spacing wh (between rings) and wc between connecting points.


    • wh = d * π / 4 / nrings
    • rn (n=0..nrings) = √ ( (wh * n)2
    • cn (n=0..nrings) = 2 * rn * π
    • wc = d * π / npoints
    • lstrut1 = wh * √2
    • lstrut2 = wh * √2


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