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Yurt Notes & Calculator

written by Rene K. Mueller, Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2008, last updated Sun, September 22, 2013


Welcome to my personal "Yurt Notes".

Check out the manuals first to get an idea about the overall considerations to build a yurt. Additionally I wrote down some of my notes and calculations I made myself and implemented a "Yurt Online Calculator" based on those calculations. Also, a lots of hints I received from people I visited who also build their own yurts have been included here.

I developed my yurt (11/2005) according these notes, and I still add and edit those notes here occassionally.

Yurt Parts Overview

My Yurt: Skeleton

My Yurt: Complete Setup

If you do use this calculator and these notes to build a yurt, drop a note so I can get an idea how useful these notes and the calculator actually is. My email address is at the bottom of the page.

Mongolian Terms

As you will notice I also use the mongolian terms, here a brief overview:

english mongolian pronunciation
yurt or nomadic house ger gair
lattice wall khana haan
crown-wheel or ring toono toon
roof pole uni oon
door khaalga haalak

For traditional yurt setup:

Yurt Details

Lattice Wall / Khana Details
I consider the lattice-wall (khana) build by laths (or sticks) and angled by αkhana (usually 90°, but smaller also possible, then the lattice wall / khana rises) to each other to create a lattice.

The roof-poles are assumed to lay on the top lattice crossing of the wall / khana, with a space of w as seen on the illustration.

All laths of the lattice wall / khana have the same amount nholes of holes, and the same distances wkhana-holes. The top crossing needs to have enough space to carry the roof pole/lath.

Of course if you decide to not lie the roof poles on the lattice end crossings, then you can choose your own lattice-wall geometry and choose the amount poles yourself.

Crown-Wheel / Toono Details

The poles are inserted into the toono (crown/roof wheel), with αpoles separated, or wwheel at the toono, this wwheel minus space determines the max diameter or width of the roof pole/lath.

The roof poles (e.g. bamboo sticks) and angled by αroof, e.g. 20-35 degree, to form a tilted roof.

The final roof pole length is longer than calculated, as some space is required to enter the toono/wheel, and also for the tail of the roof pole to reach beyond the wall, I suggest 1.5cm to 2cm additional beyond the hole with the cord, which is used to insert at the wall lath (the inner wall lath to be specific). So, the total roof pole length is 4-6cm longer as calculated, so keep this in mind.

Yurt Math

If you are not interested in the math of the yurt, just skip the next paragraph and jump to the next page where you can enter the geometry of the yurt, and get the detailed measurements of the components.


d = diameter of the yurt (e.g. from 2.5-20m)
c = circumference of the yurt
w = distance between roof poles (20-35cm)
αkhana = angle between khana laths (90°)
wkhana-holes = distance of khana-holes
wdoor = door width, apprx. 80-120cm
npoles = amount of roof poles
αpoles = angle between roof poles
lpole = length of root poles
αroof = angle of roof poles from crown-wheel (20-40°)
lroof = length of roof (radius)
droof = diameter of root canvas
htot = total height
dwheel = diameter of crown-wheel, apprx. 15-20% of d
wwheel = width of poles on the crown-wheel
h = height of walls
lkhana = length of khana laths
lkhana-section = length of khana section (3-7m)
nkhana-sections = amount of khana sections
nlaths = amount of khana laths
A = surface of yurt (required canvas)
π = 3.141 or apprx. 22/7


c = d * π
w = c / npoles
dpole = (d / 2) - (dwheel / 2)
lpole = √( (tan(αroof) * dpole)2 + dpole2 )
lroof = √( (tan(αroof) * d/2)2 + (d/2)2 )
droof = lroof * 2
nlaths = npoles * 2 + nkhana-holes * 2 / 2 + nkhana-sections * 2
nkhana-sections = c / lkhana-section
wkhana-holes = w / (sin(αkhana/2) * 2)
h = 140-180cm
αroof = 20-35°
lkhana = √( (h * tan(αkhana/2))2 + h2 )
htot = h + tan(αroof) * (d/2 - dwheel/2)
Aroof = lroof2 * π
Awall = c * h
Afloor = (d/2)2 * π

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